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Within the Dutch legislation there are different kind of rules for immigration, depending on factors like the goal and length of staying in the Netherlands.

Staying less than three months

When you stay in the Netherlands less than 90 days, you need a visa, depending on your nationality. On the website of Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst you'll find an overview with all nationalities that need a visa for a stay less then 90 days. This visa is also know as Visum Kort Verblijf or Schengevisum (visa type C). With this visa, a person can stay in the Netherlands 90 days or less within a period of 180 days.

Staying more than three months

When you are staying in the Netherlands for an uninterrupted period longer than three months, you probably need an authorization for temporary stay*, in Dutch: Machtiging voor Voorlopig Verblijf (MVV). By using this MVV, a person can apply for a residence permit. This application can be rejected when important evidence is missing, is drawn up incorrect, translated incorrect, or legislated incorrect.

*This is the case for all people coming from a country where an authorization for temporary stay is necessary.

For more information about your stay, longer or less than three months, you can consult the website of Immigration

Several tips

Several tips when preparing

Several tips when arriving